海运拼箱 - 最专业的拼箱公司!


当前位置: 佛山拼箱|广州拼箱|东莞拼箱| > 东莞散货拼箱 > Taiwan, Hong Kong, North Korea, Russia

Taiwan, Hong Kong, North Korea, Russia

时间:2016-02-24来源:未知 作者:admin点击:
At present, Baosheng wholly owns 5 ships and 3 ships in joint venture, and the main routes are China, Japan, South Korea, Taiwan, Hong Kong, North Korea, Russia, Southeast Asia, etc. The major cargoes were steel products, minerals, fertiliz
At present, Baosheng wholly owns 5 ships and 3 ships in joint venture, and the main routes are China, Japan, South Korea, Taiwan, Hong Kong, North Korea, Russia, Southeast Asia, etc. The major cargoes were steel products, minerals, fertilizer, scrap motor, feed, pig iron and steel scrap, etc. We try to construct long-term partnership with our customers, and we firmly believe that such stable cooperation relationship will be long kept in our close business. It will finally realize our mutual benefit and promote common development.   公司以专业承接运输危险品、化工产品为经营重点。   专业化的危险品、化工品解决方案为各类危险品、化工品进出口企业提供包括仓储、订舱、危申、包装、加固、打托、缠膜、唛头等一系列的全程物流服务。   公司主要以2、3、4、5、6、8、9等各类危险品为服务特色(主要运输产品:氯气、氯化钡、保险粉、百草枯、硝酸钡、硝酸钠、亚硝酸钠、二氯异氰尿酸、三氯异氰尿酸、碳酸钡、甲酸、硝酸等),同时我司专业于工业级、医药级、食品级、饲料级等各类一般化工产品(如医药原料、柠檬酸、大豆蛋白、黄原胶、葡萄糖、氯化胆碱、木糖醇等产品)的物流解决方案。