具备所有国际运输代理业务的资质,包括一级货运代理、航空运输代理、出口集拼、进口分拨、监管仓储等。 随着公司专业化改革的深入以及上海德祥船务有限公司无船承运人经营资格的获得,德祥货运主要业务发展方向定位为:以进口分拨业务为基础,进口清关运输为保障、进口整箱和拼箱海外订舱业务求发展的进口专业特色服务。 进口分拨业务:为国内外同行提供进口分拨整箱报关、报验、分单、拆箱、换单及收取海运费等的各项服务。公司依靠多年来的专业经营和投资2800万建造的,被海关批准的6家之一的专业进口分拨仓库,牢牢占有上海口岸进口分拨业务量近30%的市场份额。 进口清关运输业务:为进口客户提供报关、报验、转运、仓储及门到门运输服务。公司拥有一支专业的进口客服和报关员队伍,和从事大宗原料(木材、棉花、塑料、纸张等)进口报关的经验,确保向客户交出满意的答卷。 进口整箱和拼箱海外订舱业务:我司是最早推出该项业务的货代公司之一。公司强大而健全的海外代理网络、完善的分拨进口航线及海关监管分拨仓库,为此业务的发展提供了强有力的保障。 ☆ 进口整箱 开设来自北美全境,中南美基本港含内陆城市,欧洲,北欧基本港含内陆城市,地中海基本港含内陆城市,东南亚各国, 澳洲各港进口大陆包括香港的集装箱,各类特种箱货物的海外订舱,EX WORKS 的全程联运服务。☆ 进口拼箱 开辟航线如下: 日本东京,横滨,神户,大坂 → 上海 韩国釜山 → 上海 台湾基隆, 高雄, 台中 → 上海 香港 → 上海 新加坡 → 上海 美国洛杉矶, 芝加哥,纽约及其他28个收货站 → 上海 德国汉堡 → 上海 意大利热那亚,米兰 → 上海 北欧哥德堡,奥斯陆,赫尔辛基,哥本哈根 → 上海 澳洲悉尼,墨尔本 → 上海 。由于篇幅限制,其他服务请您登录本公司网站查询。SeaJoy is committed to the transportation of special goods, and has been engaged in the transportation, hoisting, binding and fixing of major and special goods for many years. Our operating goods include: float glass, marine accessories, large-scale production, hydropower equipment, yacht, transformer, engineering vehicles, paver, oil equipment, drilling equipment, airport boarding bridge, bus, truck crane, semi trailer, tank truck, excavator, loader, cement tanker, aerial work platform etc. various types of vehicles and other special specifications of goods. It is composed of professional knowledge and experienced practitioners to complete a lot of ultra - conventional transportation business. The safety factor of cargo transportation is greatly increased by the support of warehouses and motorcade with professional binding technology in the field of land transportation.The company has a number of modern routes, the dominant routes all over the world, mainly Japan and South Korea, Southeast Asia, India, India, Europe, and central and South American partial port. As an international transport company specializing in transporting large machinery and yachts in Shanghai and East China and Southern China, our company has been engaged in long-term and extensive business cooperation with well-known industrial and mining companies and yachting companies at home and abroad. Our company have professional agents in the main ports of the world, can provide various projects including customs clearance, port agency services, all major ports and the foreign shipping companies, wharf and floating crane company to carry out a long-term and stable cooperation, so that the cost of shipping for maximum optimization.Since the establishment of the company, the business scale has been expanding, with high quality and efficient service to win the high trust of customers at home and abroad. In line with the concept of customer demand as market orientation, we must establish a strategic partnership with it, and develop a safe and efficient freight service system for our customers at home and abroad with a unique operation mode, and strive to achieve a win-win situation. |