时间:2016-10-13来源:未知 作者:admin点击:
Trailers SHENZHEN FULL-TRANS LOGISTICS CO.,LTD With road transport permits and a strong ability to transport operations, the company owned transport vehicles more than 120 vehicles. Undertake Guangdong, Jiangxi, Guangxi, Fujian and Shenzhen
Trailers SHENZHEN FULL-TRANS LOGISTICS CO.,LTD With road transport permits and a strong ability to transport operations, the company owned transport vehicles more than 120 vehicles. Undertake Guangdong, Jiangxi, Guangxi, Fujian and Shenzhen Yantian Port and Shekou port transport. Stringent vehicle management company, operating process specifications to ensure that customers get the goods on time and port security. 本公司下设海运部,空运部,客服部,市场部及财务部,拥有多位具备多样化的专业技能的人才,公司在提供传统的全球航线服务同时,大力发展澳大利亚,新西兰,欧州,地中海,南非航线,在上述航线拥有可靠诚信及强大的代理网络,可以为客户提供齐全完善可靠的服务。 自成立以来,本着“客户至上,诚信为本”的服务宗旨,以质取胜的原则为客户提供专业可靠的代理服务,一贯信实诚恳的经营理念,专业精准的操作水平在新老客户中形成良好的信誉。