时间:2020-12-18来源:未知 作者:admin点击:
Railway intermodal transport A coherent mode of transportation in which the railway carrier handles the whole railway transportation of two or more countries and undertakes the transportation responsibility by using a unified railway throug
Railway intermodal transport A coherent mode of transportation in which the railway carrier handles the whole railway transportation of two or more countries and undertakes the transportation responsibility by using a unified railway through transport bill. 业务范围 BUSINESS SCOPE 1、海运出口 a、承接海运各种柜型出口订舱,包括20GP、40GP、40HQ、45HQ以及开顶箱、框架箱、冷冻箱、挂衣箱等各种箱型。 b、代理各类化工品、危险品、食品、化妆品、液罐等货物正规途径的海运出口业务。 c、可帮客户做港到港、港到门、门到门及深圳海运出口货代 等业务。业务外包(从为供应商办理出口退税、报关报检、保税仓储到物流增值服务)可以使自身更加专注于产品和客户开发等核心职能,从而提升自身业务的竞争力和获取专业化分工的好处;